A Basic Introduction to JavaScript

In the recent times, JavaScript has been one of the most popular programming languages for the web developers. However, its uses are not restricted to just web development. JavaScript will provide more opportunities in the future to the world of programming.

Are you willing to start your journey now and have been dragging your feet on learning the finer points of JavaScript? Let’s look into what is JavaScript and how is it different from other programming languages.

What is JavaScript?

Developed in the year 1995, by Brendon Eich, JavaScript appeared in a popular browser at that time Netscape. It was initially called LiveScript, but since Java was a popular language at that time, it was later named as JavaScript as associating with an already popular brand, will enhance its value and more people can relate to it. Now it is an independent entity with its specification called ECMAScript and it is no longer related to Java. JavaScript can run on popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac. It needs a simple tool such as Notepad++ or any other text editor to write code and a browser to display the developed webpages.

Java was mainly developed to make webpages more alive and kicking. The programs in JavaScript’s are called scripts and these are written in the website’s HTML. It runs automatically as the page loads! Scripts are executed as plain texts and they don’t need special permission to run it regularly. Right now, JavaScript not only runs on a website, but it can also be used on a server or a device, that has a JavaScript engine. Different browsers have separate codenames such as V8 in Chrome, Opera, SpiderMonkey in Firefox. For Safari, they have Nitro and Squirrelfish and for different versions of Internet Explorer, the codenames are Trident and Chakra.

JavaScript can do multiple functions such as webpage manipulation, user interaction and the web server in a browser.

Below is the list of things an in-browser JavaScript can perform:

  1. Add new HTML to a page, modify styles and change existing content
  2. It also reacts to user interaction, mouse clicks, keyboard presses and movement of pointers
  3. It helps send requests over the network to a remote server, upload/download files
  4. Get cookies and interact with users/asking queries
  5. The client-side data can be stored in local storage

JavaScript has its limitations as the syntax of it do not meet everyone’s needs as there are different needs to be met with different people. To overcome this whole new sets of languages have cropped up of late, which are transpired into JavaScript and later it is run in the browser. These new tools are quick and help the developers to code in other language and convert it automatically into a JavaScript.

Examples of some of the new languages are CoffeeScript, Typescript, Flow and Dart. These are utilized by all types of websites and applications from top free local sex sites to online dating applications. These are strong examples as these sites require high speeds to compete for organic search traffic.

What makes JavaScript Unique?

After knowing the basic idea of JavaScript, let’s look at the three features that make it special compared to other languages.

  • Ability to do simple things effortlessly on a website
  • Ability to integrate efficiently with HTML/CSS
  • Ability to create browser interface, servers, and mobile apps and hence credited as the most popular tool for developers

Conclusively, JavaScript has a unique place as the most accustomed browser language with efficient integration with HTML/CSS. Several languages get compiled to JavaScript and provide certain features and thus is advisable to survey them briefly after excelling in JavaScript.…

How To Become A Software Engineer

When people think of software engineers, they imagine a person who sits in front of the computer entire day working on projects. They also think that a software engineer is a person who is not interested in any other thing other than his software programs. But this is not true and software engineers are one of the smartest and intelligent people on this planet. They are coolest as well and they can have any other hobby and interest like any other human being. 

The software which you use on a daily basis is the contribution of software engineers. They make your smartphone work the way you imagine and they are behind your smart house as well. They are behind the email you use and the Alexa you love. 

Technology and Software

The technology has solved most of the issues in this world. There are thousands of smart workers behind the technologies you use on a daily basis. Software is the key to solving most of the technology-related issues. Today, the majority of youngsters dream to become software engineers and they also dream about solving some issues on this planet. Even after so many years, software engineering is one of the high-paid jobs. But, this job demands constant learning, a lot of patience, and constant improvement as well. 

There is a number of paths that lead to the software field and you can choose one of them. For newbies, it may seem difficult even though they have enough urge to become a software engineer. 

Pursue a Computer Science Degree

You can join institutions and colleges and try to finish a degree in computer science. This is the best and traditional method to enter the field of software engineering. The majority of the students join for a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Here they will study theoretical concepts along with practical subjects. 

Commonly in the bachelor’s degree, students study algorithms, data structures, computer networks, web technology, database system, mathematics, and programming languages. Through all these, they understand modern approaches in software development and all about software engineering. 

Even though this is the best path to reach the software field, there is no rule that you have to complete a computer science degree for entering the software engineering field. There are many other ways as well. You can initially learn coding by joining some classes. You can also join an online course for learning programming languages. By gaining basic programming you can start developing your own software. Through this, you can enter into the field of software engineering.

Learn Programming Languages

The programming language is nothing but the language exists to communicate with the computer. Even though if you finish a degree but you are not aware of the latest programming language used in the industry, then there is no way you can enter the software engineering field. So, along with the degree, you should be updated and learn programming languages in trend. 

As said earlier, constant learning is the key to growth in the software engineering field. Once you learn a language, it is not enough if you learn just basics. For building robust software you should learn the programming language in-depth. Some of the programming languages you can learn are python, Java, Ruby, JavaScript, and C++. There is no need to join a regular class for learning these languages. You can learn all of these latest programming languages online sitting at home. 

Even after entering the software engineering field, constant learning is very important. You need to upgrade yourself on a regular basis and concentrate on improving your skills. Every project may demand a new language and you have to learn new programming languages released. 

Algorithms and data structure

Data structure and algorithms are the most important part of software engineering and you have to understand them in-depth. The algorithm is nothing but step by step approach used for solving some problem. Data structure helps in organizing data. So, programmers use these two concepts for solving a problem by using the least amount of memory and time. 

For a given problem, a software engineer should always provide the best solution. Meantime he should take care of the time and memory aspects of the solution. They are the ones who decide the algorithm and memory space for a program. There will be different issues faced by every project and he should able to solve the issues within the stipulated time. He should make use of the right programing language and the program should solve the issues. He should consider all kinds of needs and requirements of the client and build the software accordingly. 


Anybody can become a software engineer by learning programming languages and with the best analytical skills. It takes time and a lot of effort for learning these technical skills. Software engineering demands a lot along with time and skills. Most importantly he should be ready for constant learning and without that he can’t grow and succeed in this filed. …

software engineering and development

What is Software Engineering?

The term software engineering is formed using two words that are software and engineering. So, for understanding software engineering, you need to understand these words. The majority of people think that software is nothing but a program code. But in reality, the software is much more than just a program code. Program is a piece of code that is executable and software can be understood as a bundle of executable program codes. This bundle is also associated with documentation and libraries. A software product can be understood as software built for some requirements.

Now, the term engineering can be understood as the process of developing products by using scientific principles and methods that are well-defined.

Software engineering

Now, the term software engineering is preferred for the process of development of actual software products by utilizing well-defined and scientific methods and principles along with procedures. The aim of software engineering is to produce a reliable and efficient software product.

Software Evolution

Software evolution can be defined as the process of developing and building a software product by making use of software engineering methods and principles. This involves initial steps of software development, updates, and maintenance as well. The process is continued until the process ends up with the desired software product which serves all the listed requirements.

Software evolution always starts with gathering the requirements. After this step, using the requirements gathered, developers start creating the prototypes. This prototype is for intended software and it should be presented to the user for feedback in the initial stages of software development.

Users will start providing the feedback and comments and based on which the changes should happen in the software. Until the desired software product is ready, the process continues and developers apply the changes required to the software product.

Software Paradigms

These are nothing but the steps and methods which are followed in designing the actual software product. There are a lot of methods used depending on the end product and requirements gathered.

Why software engineering?

It is very important to understand the need for software engineering. Software engineering makes it easy for developers to start with a software product. Especially when the software is really big and large, it becomes easy if you follow steps and processes for developing it.

It is very important that the software process should be based on engineering and scientific concepts. Otherwise, every time you need to follow a new method for creating a new product rather than making changes to the existing one. So, because of the software engineering principles, you can easily achieve scalability. This is hugely important for startup companies that start small and look to expand. For example, if we we look at the adult content space, there a tons of free hookup sites competing for users. The best hookup sites offer the best quality of service, whether that be UI, member pool, or another factor. Thanks to the engineering behind what there platforms are built on, when success comes, they have the ability to scale.

By following the software engineering principles and methods, you can easily reduce the cost of developing a software product. More than anything software engineering is a dynamic process and you can modify it as you need.

Bottom Line

Apart from all these, there are many other benefits of utilizing software engineering methods and principles for developing a software product. It becomes easy to achieve quality when the right principles and methods are used for creating a software product.…

top software engineers

The Minds Engineering The Best Software

Traditionally, Computer Science is divided into two groups that complement each other: Hardware and Software. While the physical hardware (like the keyboard, CPU, mouse etc.) actually performs the work, the Software tells the Hardware how to do it. So the software comprises the collection of computer instructions and data that tells the computer how to work. The software itself is divided into Systems and Applications Software. The Programs that manage the computer system include the OS (Operating System), File Management Utilities, and DOD (Disk Operating System). Applications Software, or simply Apps, enable the User to complete the tasks, such as creating documents, spreadsheets, databases, online research, graphics designing, playing games and so on. These Apps can be complex, like the word processing software, which sets the boundary parameters for any word document. From line spacing to word fonts, style, margins, all fine details of a document are covered. Even color, headings and pictures are covered. The documents’ contents can be manipulated, so that copy, move, delete and change functions can be done easily. Typical Apps are Microsoft Word, the world’s most popular word processing software, which has all the functions described above. MS Word is part of the MS Office Suite, which also has famous Apps like Excel. Of the Graphics Apps, the Adobe Creative Suite can turn images into works of Art, while the Sony Audio Master Suite is used by music experts to create and produce the best Music. Web Browsers are also Apps, which can locate, retrieve, play and display Internet content. Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and of course the Internet Explorer, are all Web Browser Apps known the world over. Software Engineers, therefore, design Software, which may be any (or all) of the above. While hard skills like knowledge of programming languages are essential, soft skills like individual preferences and personality trends must also be cultivated. Modern Software Engineering is a team profession, and Engineers must be capable of leading the Team. The Most Famous Software Engineers have all been leaders of Men, who have brought a revolution into the world.

computer science

The Makings of A Software Engineer

The Art of Communication is essential. Reports to the Boss have to be written, objectives clarified to the Team, products must be explained and displayed to the Clients, groups of colleagues must be addressed, vendors must be selected and guided,…. the list is endless. The Software Engineer must be a skillful practitioner of the Art of Communication, whether via phone or email, face to face or WhatsApp. The Engineer must be able to split his or her attention across different modules of the same project or switch easily between projects. This is called Multitasking. Organization and Attention to detail are two of the other aspects that the Engineer must acquire before the Engineer can step out towards fame and fortune. The journey starts these days with a degree in Computer Engineering, but so close to the bone is this field’s run for Excellence, that generally only the most brilliant survive, guys who are prepared to invest and innovate, and it is from these ranks of fiercely obsessive young engineers, that the best emerge.

The Revolutionaries

The most famous of all Software Engineers have all been revolutionaries. Each of them has cut their own corners in a State of the Art field of Engineering. Let us start with John Carmack. Carmack is a specialist games creator. Among his most well-known are Doom and Quake. This extraordinary engineer does not have a degree, but his works are studied by students of software engineering. Dave Cutler holds a Bachelors degree and was DEC, Microsoft. He co-founded Agrippa-Ord. He is renowned by the OS created by him called Windows NT. Anders Hejlsberg is famous for creating programming languages like Turbo Pascal, Delphi, TypeScript and the commonly used C#. Hejlsberg, 59 years, was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and is a Systems Architect at Microsoft. He is ranked the 22nd most influential Software Engineer of all times. Christopher Ahlberg is a Swedish Computer Scientist, who has been awarded the MIT TR100. He is internationally known for software like Spotfire and Recorded Future. Professor Thomas Sterling teaches Computer science at Indiana University. He is popularly called as the father of Beowulf Clusters, which he developed with Don Becker, as well as for his Petaflops Computing Architecture seminal research.

The Very Best

E-commerce has been the focus field for Max Levchin, who created PayPal, which now has a universal application. An Entrepreneur, he co-founded NetMeridian Software, SponsorNet New Media and Confinity. But PayPal wasn’t his only achievement. He is also the founder of the famous CAPTCHA TEST. Born in 1975, he founded PayPal in 1998, which was also the year he graduated. Little needs to be said about Mark Zuckerberg. Suffice it to say that Zuckerberg started creating Facebook in 2004 when he was still studying at Harvard University. Steve McConnel is the well-known Author of the finest Software Engineering textbooks such as Code Complete, Rapid Development and Software Estimation. Sundar Pichai was born on June 10th 1972 as Pichai Sundararajan, in Madurai in Tamil Nadu, India. He earned his B.Tech degree from The IIT or The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, his MS from Stanford University and MBA from The Wharton School. He is now the CEO of Google and Alphabet Inc. Satya Narayana Nadella succeeded Steve Ballmer as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Microsoft in 2014. Before this, he was Executive VP of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise Group. Born on August 19th 1967 in Hyderabad, India, he graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1990. Steven Paul Jobs, known as just Steve Jobs, was an extraordinary American business magnate and founder of Apple Computer. Linus Benedict Torvalds is a Finish software engineer, who invented Linux and created the Linux Kernel which is the basis for all other most used OSs like Android and Chrome. These last two are easily the most Famous Software Engineers of all time.…

Why You Should Not Become A Software Engineer?!?!

Obviously we encourage everyone who wants to to get into software engineering. However, while the skills can be valuable to anyone the truth is being a software engineer as a career isn’t for everyone. Here is an interesting and entertaining video that dispels some of the hype around software engineering as a career and outlines some potential aspects that might make some people want to reconsider.